Our amazing team of board members and volunteers are committed to helping our animals. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? See our contact page for more information!
Seeing a need for an energetic nonprofit to support our community's animals, we formed our organization in 2013 to provide sensible solutions. We've grown considerably since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!
Dawn Zackus, Ty Zackus, Mari Eastman, Jan Mane
We focus on making the maximum positive effort. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us do good work. It is our mission to ensure animals are given their best shot at a happy, health life, preventing unnecessary euthanasia by finding loving homes for unwanted pets through adoption or pass-through, and providing low-cost spay and neuter clinics to aid in population control, furthering our intent to stop shelters from being overrun and being given no other choice but to euthanize.
"No healthy or curable animal should ever be euthanized."
CONTACT US NOW: (406) 366-5905
Executive Director: Peggy Butler
In 2022, due to the diligence and generosity of long-time supporter Jeanne Moe, we acquired a piece of land at 129 Sweetgrass Dr. where we plan to build Safe Heart Animal Shelter.
By donating to help us build Safe Heart Animal Shelter, you can help us provide food, shelter, and medical care for our furry friends. Your contribution can make a big difference in the lives of animals in need.